CATDS Processing and Dissemination Center [CPDC]

What is the CPDC ?

The CATDS Processing and Dissemination Center [CPDC] is the facility which routinely produce and disseminate L3 and L4 data (from SMOS L1B sent by ESA DPGS). The CPDC is responsible for :

  • processing near-real time data from SMOS DPGS L1b up to L3/L4 Soil Moisture and Salinity products
  • reprocessing L3/L4, when improved algorithms are commited
  • archiving CATDS data on a long term archive (tape)
  • distributing L3/L4 data to user communities
  • providing the first-level support to user communities


The CPDC is established at Ifremer Brest. It is coordinated by CNES, IFREMER, CESBIO and LOCEAN.

The CPDC exploitation is under the "Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la MER" (SISMER) responsability. This Ifremer service is designated as the "National Oceanographic Data Center" by France and by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, in the framework of International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE).

The CPDC processing is done automatically, thanks to CATDS specific tools developped by the CNES. To assure an operational production, the CPDC exploitation team continuously supervises the system during working days and hours.