L4 SMOS SMAP Merged Brightness Temperature
The SMOS Level-4 SMAP Compatible Brightness Temperatures (BT) product provides an unbiased version of the SMOS Level-3 BT with respect to the SMAP Enhanced Level-3 BT. This data set is self-sufficient but it can also be used along with the SMAP Level-3 Enhanced BT for applications for which spatial coverage and revisit frequency of the BT measurements are essentials.
Panel A: SMOS Level-3 brightness temperatures after being bias-corrected with respect to SMAP Enhanced Level-3 brightness temperatures. H polarisation, A.M. (Ascending) orbit, 2020-07-28.
Panel B: SMAP Enhanced Level-3 brightness temperatures without water body correction. H polarisation, A.M. (Descending) orbit, 2020-07-28.
Panel C: Spatial coverage and revisit frequency of unbiased SMOS brightness temperatures used along with SMAP brightness temperatures. H polarisation, A.M. orbit, 2020-07-28
Data References
Rémi Madelon (2023). CATDS-CEC-TB SMOS level4 SMAP compatible brightness temperatures. CNES IFREMER CESBIO(CATDS). doi:10.12770/ef7b1eb5-c088-4fb0-929c-8400dd952c40
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